HomeSeeds- E50 Seeds Eucalyptus citriodora The Lemongum Tree

50 Seeds Eucalyptus citriodora The Lemongum Tree

50 Seeds Eucalyptus citriodora The Lemongum Tree
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50 Seeds Eucalyptus citriodora The Lemongum Tree



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Product Description

Botanic description Eucalyptus citriodora is a large, handsome evergreen tree, 24-40 (max. 50) m in height; tall, straight trunk, 60-130 cm in diameter; open, graceful crown of drooping foliage; bark smooth, white, powdery, sometimes pink, red or blue-grey, on large trunks dark or grey and shaggy. Juvenile leaves alternate, ovate to broadly lanceolate, sometimes setose, petiolate, sometimes peltate; adult leaves alternate, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 8-16 x 0.5-2 cm, acuminate, strongly lemon scented when crushed; petiole 13-20 mm long. Inflorescence terminal and compound or axillary and simple; umbels 3 flowers; flower buds white, clavate; operculum hemispherical, 3-4 x 4-5 mm, apiculate. Fruit ovoid or urceolate, 7-15 x 7-11 mm, often warty, with 3-4 deeply induced valves; seeds few, irregularly elliptical relatively large, shiny, black, 4-5 mm long. The genus Eucalyptus was described and named in 1788 by the French botanist l