HomeShrub Seeds10 Daphne odora Seeds, Winter daphne Seeds

10 Daphne odora Seeds, Winter daphne Seeds

10 Daphne odora Seeds, Winter daphne  Seeds
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10 Daphne odora Seeds, Winter daphne Seeds



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Product Description

Daphne odora (Winter daphne) is an evergreen shrub, grown for its incredibly fragrant, fleshy, pale-pink, tubular flowers, each with 4 spreading lobes and for its glossy foliage. The plant is native to China and Japan. The plant is fully frost hardy. It requires full sun to part shade. It is found in fertile, slightly acid, peaty, well-drained soils. It will not tolerate transplantation as, like all Daphne, it hates root disturbance. It rarely fruits, but when it does, it produces red berries after flowering in habitat.