HomeSeeds- L-O15 Seeds Martynia annua Devil " Claw Seeds

15 Seeds Martynia annua Devil " Claw Seeds

15 Seeds Martynia annua Devil " Claw Seeds
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15 Seeds Martynia annua Devil " Claw Seeds



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Product Description

Martynia annua Devil's Claws

flowers tubular, 4–6 cm long, predominantly white to pink with 5 spreading lobes at the apex, each lobe with a prominent purple spot, throat with red and yellow spots, fertile stamens 2; pod to 4 cm long and to 1.5 cm wide, with recurved claws about 1 cm long. Flowers in several flowered racemes. Flowers are bell shaped, purplish white, with dark purple markings. The yellow lines in the corolla throat are nectar guide lines to direct pollinator bees to the nectar source.